Finally! A True Competitor to Greedy Adobe

posted in: Sage Advice | 0

adjustments@2x-27042015--deskTired of the high price of Adobe Cloud (and who isn’t?)? Finally, a real alternative to Photoshop and Illustrator! Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer offer real-time editing and creation tools that match or rival almost everything you can do with the Adobe tools. And the most awesome thing? Each program costs what you’d pay Adobe for one month’s rent! That’s right! For $49.99 you can BUY these programs and OWN them for a lifetime! And the system requirements are very doable for almost all Mac users. Just have 2GB of RAM and Mac OS 10.7.5. and any Mac with an Intel 64-bit processor (Core 2 Duo from 2007). That should be almost all of you doing design or photo work. And for those doing print work, it does offer CMYK mode!

And, right now, through the end of July 2015, they are 20% off! Just $39.99 each!

Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer

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