More Tricks to Fix Apple Mail

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Apple Mail is not one of my favorite email programs (I personally prefer Microsoft Entourage instead) as it seems to have lots of strange problems. And with the latest system updates, Mail continues to cause users grief. Here are some more tips to help you if you are having some Mail problems.

Mail Preferences Removal

For many people, Mail problems have been fixed by removing the Mail preferences file. This file is located in the /username/Library/Preferences/ folder and is called Removing this file and relaunching Mail should help if this file is corrupted.

Remove the “Mail” Folder

It appears this problem may be caused by Mail not properly associating the “Mail” data folder to the program at launch. The following procedure should help fake it to Mail to use the current storage folder.

  • Locate the /username/Library/Mail/ folder and drag it to the Desktop
  • Launch “Mail” and wait for the prompt to import messages
  • Move the newly created “Mail” folder from /username/Library/ to the trash and drag the old one from the desktop back to this location.
  • Click “continue” in Mail’s setup window to import messages.
  • Try quitting and relaunching Mail after this procedure is complete.

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